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Forest School

Marhamchurch Pre-School is lucky enough to have a large, fenced forest area full of poplar trees and wild flowers where children can play and learn in an outdoor, natural environment. The Forest School has a mud kitchen and digging area, a fairy garden, a wobble walk, climbing areas, planting areas and swings and dens! We meet there most Wednesdays, rain or shine, eating our snacks and lunch under a tent like shelter if necessary.

Forest School is a way for children to learn about nature, develop socially and emotionally, improve their language, communication skills and develop physically and creatively whilst playing in natural surroundings. The open space allows children to develop freely taking time to explore their thoughts and feelings and to interact positively with their peers. They can also take part in more unusual and creative adult led activities such as: shelter building, nature games, den building, nature crafts, camp fire skills, singing and enjoying food cooked on the camp fire. Some of our activities are child led; working either independently or in groups encouraging team work.

>> Click here to see our leaflet

Our Forest school sessions allow children to take risks and attempt new challenges that they wouldn’t normally face under the guidance of our practitioners. This adds an element of excitement and adventure for the children, who are free to explore the environment using their senses. Forest school allows children to be physically active thus promoting a healthy lifestyle. Our children become more confident and resilient as a result of Forest school.

Call us on 01288 361499 or click to contact