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At Marhamchurch Pre-School, we are continuously fundraising to provide the exceptional standards we strive to offer the children in our care. Fees and government funded places barely cover staff wages and the day to day running costs. Resources, activities and improvements are only possible if we raise sufficient funds.

Our management committee of volunteers work hard to run fundraising events throughout the year so parents can be asked to put their hands in pockets on occasions. However we'd like to think that the events are enjoyable and that parents recognise how important fundraising is to any pre-school. The regular events we hold include; cake sales, sponsored walks/reads, and quiz nights.

Would you like to help us raise money without spending a penny? If you shop online you can earn commission that can be donated directly to our fundraising. Sign up to Easyfundraising and download the free toolbar and see how you can help us reach our target.

Our Next Event....

If you would like to donate to our fundraising, you can do so whenever you like, please don't feel you have to wait for a fundraiser. Please speak to a member of staff or the committee or contact us via email or our Facebook page. All donations would of course be gratefully received.

We are registered to claim Gift Aid on donations. If you donate and are a UK taxpayer, please consider signing a Gift Aid declaration so we can benefit from an additional 25% on your donation.

Call us on 01288 361499 or click to contact